On Jan 15 at 12PM we’re holding a Lunch & Learn with Nathan Schor who’ll present a version of his popular meetup Influence Others, customized for STEM professionals, who appreciate the science-based no-nonsense approach he takes. (More below.)
If upgrading your presentation skills is on your professional development agenda, then RSVP below and you’ll learn, as did many others, how to improve both your content and delivery so they’re aligned with what science claims is optimal to earn audience engagement.
Please enter your name below to register:
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(1) You’d be seriously challenged to find a competence more horizontally advantageous across a wide spectrum of engagements – personal, social, professional – than the capacity to communicate with confidence, conviction and credibility.
(2) This is a great time for you to come up to speed since more has been discovered about your brain in the last ten years than in ALL of history.
Advances in neural science, evolutionary psychology and behavioral economics are illuminating how the brain’s decision making machinery actually works, thereby explaining why humans approach certain offers, while avoiding others.
(3) You’ll markedly improve your presentation performance by learning the science behind both creating and delivering messages that are more likely to be memorable, thereby elevating your impact.
BONUS REASON – Is there presentation upcoming on your calendar? If so, then seriously consider attending, since you can immediately apply what you’ll learn to improve both content and delivery of your talk.
That work centers around a popular meetup Influence Others (1,800 members with many positive reviews) which applies recent findings from Neural Science, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Economics to help professionals improve two distinct skills vital to their success:
(1) Creating Compelling Content That Attracts Attention
(2) Delivering Those Messages with Confidence, Conviction and Credibility
Based on Richard Mayer’s definitive textbook Multimedia Learning and drawing from such seminal works as Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, and Influence: Science and Practice and Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade (both by Robert Cialdini), and Start with Why (Simon Sinek), the sessions explore what those pioneering investigators discovered about what factors influence an audience to pay attention and even more significant, what prompts them to distraction.